(734) 427-7000 or (888) 942-0888
Ready for your Fresh Start?
Then, Let’s Get Started!
Step 1: Complete the Bankruptcy Consultation Form
Please fill out our interactive extended Bankruptcy Consultation Form that will create a customized Required Documents List for you based on your specific input with links and instructions to help you locate and collect them. It might take you up to 20-30 minutes to complete this responsive form, but you can work on it in sections, leaving and returning where you left off using the same device.
Or, if you prefer, you can still use our pdf version of the bankruptcy consultation form, instead. If you use the pdf version of the form, you will also need the relevant documents listed on our comprehensive Bankruptcy Required Documents List. If you need help getting copies of the documents listed on it, please see our Helpful Links.
Step 2: Upload Your Bankruptcy Documents.
Once you have your applicable required documents together, you can submit them to us by uploading them below. You may submit PDFs, images, or zip files. You should receive an email confirming our receipt of the documents you send shortly after submitting them.
Step 3: Check Your Email for Further Instructions.
You will receive an email from us with instructions for completing a mandatory Credit Counseling session. That session will entail entering some of the same information as in our internal form from the first step above. For that reason, we will email your responses to our form to make it easier for you to complete the Credit Counseling session.